Research And Development Center for Iron And Steel Sep 1985 to Oct 1999
Computerization of Purchase Department
Project 1
Installation of Oracle binaries
Creation of database instances
Developed strategy for Backup and restore
Regular Backup (hot/cold/logical) of the instances
Recovery of the database
Database administration, extension of table space, increasing max extents, rebuilding indexes, revalidating invalid objects
Developed shell script to check listener status and database instance status
Tuning of the initialization parameters
Tuning of SQL
Interacted with users gathered system requirements, designed and developed logical and physical model of the database
Network administration
Development of Pro*C program
Environment: Aviion, Unix, k-shell script, Oracle 8, Developer 2000, Designer 2000, Windows NT 4.0
Computerization of Information And Documentation Center
Project 2
Interacted with users gathered system requirements, designed and developed logical and physical model of the database
Creation of database instance
Configuration of user profiles
Backup (hot/cold/logical) of the instances
Recovery of the database
Installed and configured OEM
Tuning of the database
Network administration
Environment: Oracle 8, Designer 2000, Developer 2000, Windows NT 4.0
Development of Library Management System on Oracle/UNIX platform
Project 3
Studied the existing manual practices.
Interviewed the client for evaluation of the user requirements.
Designing of DFD and ER-Diagram and Table Instance Chart.
Estimation of database size.
Coding of Database creation script.
Coding of the DDL (SQL script).
Developed PL/SQL code for forms, functions, procedures, LOV and reports for this project.
Backup (hot/cold/logical) of the instances
Recovery of the database
Tuning of the database
Network administration
Environment: Aviion 5500, UNIX, Oracle 6, 7, Forms 3, Menu, Reports, UNIX
Operational Database on Indian Blast Furnaces
Project 5
Creation of Schema and subschema.
Created the database and initialized the files.
Developed COBOL program for input of data and generate reports.
Setup IIDS for interactive query
Environment: Honeywell Bull Mainframe, G-COS8, DM-IV, IDMS-II, COBOL, JCL
Development of Mathematical Model for Blast Furnace We developed a mathematical model for blast furnce. We obtained a copyright for this model.
Project 6 Developed FORTRAN program for blast furnace mathematical model. Own a software copyright on this model. Developed graphical program to show the output of the model graphically Setup IIDS for interactive query Environment: Sun Sparc 20, Sun Solaris, FORTAN 77
Improvement in performance of Blast Furnace
Project 7
As a programmer I was responsible for the following:
Development of FORTAN programs
Collection of operational data
Analysis of the various parameters
Environment: VAX/VMS, FORTRAN